31 million, wondering what that number signifies? It represents the total number of job seekers in our country. The most widely used platform for such individuals is the internet, where they can find the right job for themselves. The first thing the hirer goes through is a profile and convincing him that you are the best amongst the other thousands or millions of competitors is a tough task, which is where Talent Canvas steps in. They understand that the first impression is the last impression and help you make it an excellent one.
Based out of Chennai, they cater to individuals all across the globe, be it a student or a lawyer or a corporate. Their services include resume writing, LinkedIn Profile Writing, WordPress Website designing, SEM, SEO, and HR Consulting. You can approach them if you have any issues regarding your workforce and expect an early and appropriate solution. They recently stepped in startup consulting realizing that an expert advise from a qualified professional in the area could be of great help to startups.
Being a sole proprietor sure has its cons and Nandini Alagar has taken the stress and load of being one sincerely. Starting from the bottom, and facing problems like acquiring clients and delivering on time has been stressful but hard work is the key which allowed her to serve her clients to the best of their interest. Here is an exclusive interview of her journey since the start of Talent Canvas.
Article published at: https://www.inventiva.co.in/2018/10/talent-canvas-make-an-indelible-impression/
1. What is the source of inspiration behind the TALENT CANVAS?
The name was decided by me as I wanted it to represent Human Resources as well as the creative aspects. Luckily this name was conceived and finalized.
2. Who all are your target audience/clients?
They are from various countries, business owners, corporates, working professionals, academicians, lawyers, students, interns etc.
3. Your current operations are located in which regions and Where are you based at (city, state, country)?
Talent Canvas is registered from Chennai, India. As it is a sole proprietorship, it is a virtual business that can be run from anywhere the world over.
4. What problems does your venture resolve? What are your products or services?
At Talent Canvas, our primary business is Resume Writing, LinkedIn Profile Writing, WordPress Website designing, SEM, SEO and HR Consulting respectively. We have also ventured into Start-up Consulting off late.
5. Would you like to Share the idea or story behind the foundation of Talent Canvas?
No particular story as such, the name just had to be a combination of Technical and the Creative!
6. Do you face any rivalry and how do you differentiate yourself from them?
There are plenty of similar service providers on the internet. Talent Canvas is different as we establish a personal rapport with all our customers.
7. How do you identify your co-founder? Would you like to tell us something about them?
Talent Canvas, as of now has no co-founder. It is a sole proprietorship business.
8. What is your idea of team formulation? What type of qualities do you search for in your team?
Honesty, integrity and hardworking attitude is required for effective team work.
9. What are your growth or expansion plans for the next 2 or 5 years?
The plan is to cater to more no. of working professionals and students from across the world and also expand our reach towards corporates for delivering Training and Development programs.
10. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the line?
I see Talent Canvas as a full-fledged organization with employees working in our offices, worldwide.
11. What are your short-term goals?
To help as many professionals and students as possible in achieving their dreams and goals in life.
12. Have you risen any funding yet? Are you looking for the same?
Yes, we are looking for funding for various projects besides our own. Would be happy if prospective investors could contact us.
13. Please share your incubation days struggle issues while setting up this venture, and how did you resolve them?
There was no struggle for me in setting up the virtual business but yes, getting clients was, because at that time, in 2010, we were new in the Market and had to establish ourselves as dependable freelancers.
14. What was or has been the most challenging part of your journey? How do you overcome the same?
Most challenging part of the journey has been catering to client needs on time. Writing is a tiresome job and at times, there is tons to deliver and very little time. We have overcome it by outsourcing tasks whenever required.
15. What is your idea of stress management?
Stress is a commonplace phenomenon these days. Yoga and Meditation helps in reducing it and in focusing ourselves towards our goals.
16. What do you do to escape the work life in your leisure time?
I go on long drives, visit beaches and travel across the country.
17. Where would you like to escape to for a holiday?
Phuket, as I have never been there and have heard much about the place and the scenic beauty.
18. Whom do you consider your idol/role model or biggest motivator and why?
My role model is Mark Zuckerberg as I am in awe of his simplicity of thought and the ability to convert it into big money!
19. What makes entrepreneurs different from service class professionals?
Entrepreneurs are free birds as compared to working professionals.
20. Which part of your life would you like to rewrite if given a chance to restart with your career today?
Would like to go back 15 years and wish I could have started as early as 2004 in starting my own business. I did it only in 2010.
21. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & Social life?
Being an entrepreneur has only brought about positive changes in my life overall and brought about courage and clarity.
22. Is there anything, you’d like to say to our readers or upcoming entrepreneurs?
Keep dreaming and work hard. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.
23. Tell us something about your education & family background.
I am a Law Grad, English Literature Post graduate as well as MBA in HR and IR. I plan to study till my end as I feel there is much to be learnt and applied in life!
24. What is your USP or biggest strength that makes you stand apart from your competitors?
I believe in – Compare yourself only with yourself to measure success as this will empower you more, rather than when you try to compete with others.
25. Why do you think start-ups are so vulnerable to the external business environment? What according to you are the threats to their stability?
Start-ups are new ventures with promising future and that’s why already established businesses see them as threats. However, where there is a will, there is a way. The idea is to befriend the big Fish and bring about win-win situations.
26. Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?
Yes, I am a successful entrepreneur and human being. I have helped many people sincerely and their good wishes and prayers are a sign of my success.
Nandini Alagar
Address: Chennai, India
Phone: +91 735 877 5298 / +91 860 865 7782
Email: customer@golinked.in
website: www.talentcanvas.biz, www.golinked.in, www.content-marketing.in