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Top 4 Resume – CV Formatting Tips For Beginners

What you write in your Resume decides your future, so make sure with the kind of writing you do, you strike the right first impression on recruiters and other readers alike.

Format your text

Choose a font in size 11 or 12 that is easily readable and accepted in the market by HR professionals. Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri and even Candara are some of the best choices for your CV format. Your Resume would look professional and well-formatted when you use these fonts.
  1. [tweetshare tweet=”At times, Georgia is great to read and easy to comprehend as compared to Times New Roman.” username=”@talentcanvas1″]Instead of changing fonts through the document, try emboldening or italicising.
  2. Choose 11 or 12 size for presenting your Resume. When you format cv, this aspect is important.
  3. Your text should always be printed in solid black ink. Do not use hyperlinks as that may confuse the readers.

Set up the page

The Margins on all four sides should be a minimum of 1, 1.5 or 2.0. Make sure the margins are set before you start writing your Resume, in order to avoid last minute rush.


Create your heading

This is the section at the top of your resume which gives your contact information. Your Name, Address, Email address, Contact Nos. and also your social links are important to mention. [tweetshareinline tweet=”Adding your LinkedIn Public URL makes your CV looks dapper and professional.” username=”@talentcanvas1″]


Decide on a layout

 There are three general CV formats for creating a resume: chronological, functional, or combination. Your work history and the type of job you are applying for will determine the layout style you should use.

  • Chronological resumes are used for showing a steady growth in a particular career field. These are best used for someone applying for a job within their career-path to show an increase of responsibility over time.
  • Functional resumes are focused on skills and experience rather than job history. These are best used for someone who may have holes in their work history or who have gained experience from being self-employed for a time.
  • Combination resumes are, as it sounds, a combination of both a chronological and a functional resume. These are used to show off specific skills and how they were acquired. If you are an individual with multiple skills and specialization in multiple domains, this is the best style of Resume writing for you to choose!

Looking for someone to help you write your Resume? Call us on +91 7358 778 295.


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