How To Create A Seamless Network Of Leads Using LinkedIn And Your Blog

LinkedIn and Blog or Website when combined together offer great scope of increased lead generation.

Selling a product or service simultaneously on both places helps creating a sync, provides backlinks as well as helps us promote them to other social networks as well.

I have been using this strategy from the past 2 years now and have generated multiple leads quite conveniently.

These are some common ways to 10X your lead generation process using this strategy:

  1. Add more and more connections on LinkedIn and promote your website links to them via their email address or by using LinkedIn Inbox.
  2. Put up LinkedIn URL on your website and ask people to join you on LinkedIn before they even start reading your website. These can be done using Pop-Ups.
  3. Copy paste your blog articles on LinkedIn and simultaneously promote your services and products in both places.
  4. Join LinkedIn Groups and promote your website links there as well for improved traction.
  5. Use the same keywords on website and LinkedIn profile to ensure the profiles are synced.
  6. LinkedIn Co. Pages could be cross-linked to websites and blogs conveniently and this in turn helps generate more leads.
  7. LinkedIn profiles and Pulse articles could actually be SEOed and promoted using paid advertising on FB ads or Google and Bing ads for much higher traction. Likewise, for blog articles.
  8. LinkedIn recommendations and Google Places reviews could be simultaneously presented on your website, just like how I do it, in order to attract more customers and leads respectively.

Want to start a new website/blog of your own and use with LinkedIn for better profitability? Fill out the Form so that I can help you in doing this quickly.

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